A therapist may be an element of your rehab team depending on how severe the damage to your nerve is as well as the treatment plan you’ve been recommended by your physician.
Neurological rehabilitation programs may include:
Helping with essential daily tasks like eating or dressing, brushing your teeth, visiting the bathroom, writing, and even simple housekeeping Write, speak and swallow more easily with speech therapy. • Treatment of stress and anxiety. Rehabilitation of bladder, bowels and mobility (movement) exercise, muscle control, walking, and other balance-enhancing actions. Training programs are developed for improved mobility. They also help prevent or reduce weakness from the lack of exercise, as well as manage the discomfort, spasticity and flexibility. • Training in behaviors and socialization coaching on eating and exercise routines * Participation in social service clubs * Individuals with cognitive disabilities such as trouble focusing, memory loss, and making rational choices. Take a look at the video for more about the services offered by neurorehabilitation. 963vdj6pe5.